Author: Russell
First Steps
We’re just beginning. Some of us met on August 15 in face to face conversation.
A larger group will gather on September 15, 3-5 pm, TBA.
A wide variety of persons and groups responded following the verdict on Trayvon Martin’s death with the similar intention that we must come together to shift society in a comprehensive way. So we have begun to look for a whole systems approach that transforms Tampa Bay into a prosperous and flourishing bioregion.
The urgency of Now, the awareness of We, the power of Collaboration, the field of Love, the commitment to All, the passion of Dreams.
Nature wastes nothing. Our society can learn not to waste life, water or energy.
The conversation will include ever sector: governance, community, service, business, non-profit, religion, sports, entertainment, education, healthcare. Every sector knows firsthand about the waste. Let us attend to a new intention together. Let us build a web of intention into which the future emerges.
An example of such intention is Permaculture, represented by the permaculture flower below. Click on it to go to and learn more about this model.
Participants in ONETampaBay bring along the tools, narratives, experiences, skills, and relationships that make their involvement worthwhile. Various “social technologies” are already informing the conversation, including presencing, field theory, conversational leadership, nonlocality, direct action and research, and collaborative enterprises. More offerings are sure to come. In due time, we may map these sources in order to fuel greater participation in the processes that emerge.